full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Jane Goodall: Every day you live, you impact the planet

Unscramble the Blue Letters

JG: You know, just remember that every day you live, you make an icmapt on the planet. You can't help making an impact. And at least, unless you're lviing in extreme poverty, you have a choice as to what sort of impact you make. Even in prteovy you have a choice, but when we are more affluent, we have a greater ccihoe. And if we all make ethical choices, then we start moving towards a world that will be not quite so desperate to leave to our great-grandchildren. That's, I think, something for everybody. Because a lot of people understand what's hneppnaig, but they feel helpless and hopeless, and what can they do, so they do nothing and they become apathetic. And that is a huge danger, apathy.

Open Cloze

JG: You know, just remember that every day you live, you make an ______ on the planet. You can't help making an impact. And at least, unless you're ______ in extreme poverty, you have a choice as to what sort of impact you make. Even in _______ you have a choice, but when we are more affluent, we have a greater ______. And if we all make ethical choices, then we start moving towards a world that will be not quite so desperate to leave to our great-grandchildren. That's, I think, something for everybody. Because a lot of people understand what's _________, but they feel helpless and hopeless, and what can they do, so they do nothing and they become apathetic. And that is a huge danger, apathy.


  1. impact
  2. living
  3. happening
  4. choice
  5. poverty

Original Text

JG: You know, just remember that every day you live, you make an impact on the planet. You can't help making an impact. And at least, unless you're living in extreme poverty, you have a choice as to what sort of impact you make. Even in poverty you have a choice, but when we are more affluent, we have a greater choice. And if we all make ethical choices, then we start moving towards a world that will be not quite so desperate to leave to our great-grandchildren. That's, I think, something for everybody. Because a lot of people understand what's happening, but they feel helpless and hopeless, and what can they do, so they do nothing and they become apathetic. And that is a huge danger, apathy.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
natural world 5
put trees 2
national park 2

Important Words

  1. affluent
  2. apathetic
  3. apathy
  4. choice
  5. choices
  6. danger
  7. day
  8. desperate
  9. ethical
  10. extreme
  11. feel
  12. greater
  13. happening
  14. helpless
  15. hopeless
  16. huge
  17. impact
  18. leave
  19. live
  20. living
  21. lot
  22. making
  23. moving
  24. people
  25. planet
  26. poverty
  27. remember
  28. sort
  29. start
  30. understand
  31. world